Thursday, December 12, 2013

Is There a Case for Mobile Phone Content Pre-staging

Presenter: Alessandro Finamore
Authors: Alessandro Finamore (Politecnico di Torino), Marco Mellia (Politecnico di Torino), Zafar Gilani (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya), Kostantina Papagiannaki (Telefonica Research), Yan Grunenberger (Telefonica Research), Vijay Erramilli (Telefonica Research)

The authors propose a novel technique to implement content pre-staging (caching) in mobile network, specifically by pushing content on the user devices.
A new component is introduced: the content bundler. It is installed at the ISP side and it  classifies the traffic and identifies the most popular items to bundle the set of content that  will be pushed  to the mobile terminals.
They study a 1-day trace (HTTP log) of a big metropolitan city to evaluate the performance of the scheme. It turns out that popularity is a good trigger for  pre-staging.
Different strategies are proposed to bundle content. Among them, the popularity based one is the most practical, achieving 7% of saving in terms of volume of data transferred and tangible benefits for users too.

Q: It seams a macro network optimization, is this targeted for big events?
A: Yes, but not only. Imagining a big event I may say that if we push the bundler at the BST level we may achieve suboptimal performance

Q: It seams that  you determine the bundle on a 24h basis, what about doing it hour by hours?
A: This is exactly what we have done.


  1. This is a great article, mobile cover Thanks for giving me this information. Keep posting.

  2. Content caching is a major building block of the Internet. Caches are generally conveyed at network edges to enhance execution for end-clients, and to diminish stack on web servers and the spine network. Considering mobile 3G/4G networks, on the other hand, the bottleneck is at the access link, where bandwidth is imparted among all mobile terminals. As such,per-client limit can't develop to adapt to the traffic demand. Tragically, caching arrangements would not lessen the stack on the wireless link which would need to convey different duplicates of the same question that is continuously downloaded by various mobile terminals having the same access link.
